Thursday, January 31, 2013

One Hour Swim Redux

Over thirty-give MIT Masters swimmers participated in the One Hour Swim this year, an annual event where - you guessed it - we swim as far as we can in an hour. That is a huge number of participants, and even coach Bill paid us a backhanded compliment this morning when he said "not bad for a group that doesn't really do anything." I think he is referring to swim meets. I am sure he was not talking about Sarah who is 7 months pregnant or E2 who did it while recovering from bronchitis or Jonathan who did the whole thing backstroke after swimming 7000 the day before. But just when we thought the OHS was over, Hubbard decided to give it one last shot. Coach Bill gave us a workout (below) but H threw all caution to the waves and ended up just swimming a fairly straight set. Heather (a sprinter) also kicked some butt today. So, we have three options for you at home today! NEMers, you have 15 hours left to do your hour swim! We need to keep the championship in New England!

Option 1 OHS: Swim straight for an hour (33 of us last weekend, Heather today)

Option 2 OHS: Do as many 200s on 2:50 as you can (Hubbard today)

Option 3 OHS: Bill's workout:(me today)

8 x 200 on 2:50
2 x 100 on 1:30
3 x 400 on 5:40
2 x 50 fast
2 x 100 on 1:30
5 x 100 on 1:30
5 x 75 on 1:15

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