Thursday, January 9, 2014

Winning the Lottery

That looks far
They say that winning the lottery changes people, and as a recent lottery winner I hope that this is true, in a positive way. Yes, I am happy to announce that after three years of being on the losing end of the Great Chesapeake Bay Swim lottery, I FINALLY got in! Winning this lottery enables me to pay $250 for the privilege to swim the 4.4 miles across Chesapeake Bay in June, and I can't wait. I will also try to avoid the common mistakes that many lottery winners make, like quitting my job or spending all the money I didn't win on that fancy wetsuit. I have noticed, though, that since my big announcement (I heard it was carried on the local news here) I have been surprised at how completely respectful and silent my friends and acquaintances have been considering my big windfall. It's good to know they aren't hanging out with me because of this lottery victory. :)

300 warmup
10 x 50 on :50 count strokes
3 x 100 breast/free
3 x 100 back/breast
3 x 100 back/free
4 x 400 on 6:20 going:
1. last 100 stroke
2. third 100 stroke
3. second 100 stroke
4. first 100 stroke

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