Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Misery loves company

Nobody likes being miserable. But let's face it, when you are miserable, there is something very comforting about sharing the experience. Like when you are stuck in traffic, or the after affects of eating the macaroni salad that was left out all afternoon in 90 degrees, or when your neighbor's daughter is belting out Lady Gaga songs at midnight in preparation for her failed attempt at American Idol (all hypothetical, of course). So today when Bill slapped up the first sheet and said this workout was a request from an anonymous swimmer, nearly all of us groaned. Suspiciously, E was not groaning. Being the super-smarties that we are, we put two and two together and realized it was she who did this to us. So I guess that misery didn't have all the company today.

3 x 50 free
100 IM
3 x 50 count strokes
100 back
800 swim on 1:30 rest
4 x 50 back on 1;10
2 x 400 descend on 7:30 (we pulled #2)
4 x 50 back
800 swim AGAIN (we pulled 400, then did a 50 fast/50 easy for the last 400)

Wasn't pretty, but we did it. Good job BB, E, SB, S, and L.


  1. Yay! Just what I errrr. WE.. needed! Helllllo York Beach Maine. I fear not your rocky, sea weedy, shark-less 2.4 mile swim in 12 days. :-)

  2. Elaine-we enjoyed suffering for you.

    One for all and all for one!!
