Thursday, December 3, 2009

Little black cloud of doom

Most of us were in a happy and sunny mood when we arrived at the pool today despite the monsoon that was occurring outside. Even during the warmup set we were chatting and laughing just like usual. Then the little black cloud of doom hit. By this I mean the workout that was "recommended" to coach Bill by one of our fellow swimmers who will remain nameless but he swims with Joel in Lane 2 and is a lawyer. Anyway, the workout which was recommended contained everything that was evil and wrong about masters practice. It had fins, kicking, short sprints with stroke, and no time for E to practice for her meet next week. E and I made it through four rounds, Steve three rounds, and BB stayed for the whole thing.

Here it is:

4 x 200 going:
odds stroke
evens hypoxic
16 x 25 going:
fins underwater for half, then swim
Main set - Repeat three times:
6 x 25 stroke sprint on :25
2 x 50 ez on 1:05
6 x 25 free on :40
2 x 50 ez on 1:05

Hey coach Bill - I have a recommendation for tomorrow. Warmup 5 x 200 and main set 3 x 800. It's simple, it's easy to follow, and will make lane 3-ers very happy. Thanks!


  1. Maybe it's because I am using Firefox as my web browser but I am not sure what is evil about this set? It's 3 broken 800's. Perfect for getting ready for BU.

  2. 800's don't sound so appealing to me

  3. 25s forever! It's good to practice at race pace.
    Unnamed Lawyer

  4. I can't believe that you shared that the whole lane got out early. Oh yah... off to starbucks for a latte.

  5. wimps! and prima-donna's! I am thinking maybe for the entire month of january... at least 4400 yards per practice is the goal, unless it's a stroke workout, then 3600.

    why not?
