Thursday, July 8, 2010

Open Water

There are some big open water races this weekend, most notably the Nubble Light swim in York, Maine. E and Bill G. are doing this, which is a 2.4 mile swim around Nubble light. There is some debate as to the water temperature, with Bill claiming it is 59 degrees and E saying 68. Let's hope they meet in the middle for a pleasant 64 degree swim. On the other end is the Charles River Swim, which is a one-mile swim in 80 plus degree water right downtown off of the Esplanade. BB and I are signed up, though high bacteria count may cancel it. Here's hoping it goes off - I have done this before and it really is incredible to see both Cambridge and Boston during a swim! No need to worry about the green fungus which gets in our suits - I believe it's all natural. :) Kudos to those who have worked so hard to clean up our river so it is swimmable.

Distance (kind-of) day. Conspicuously missing was Ian, who has been hammering, hammering, hammering in the pool every day.

6 x 50 swim on 1:05
2 x 100 kick
3 x 100 stroke/drill/fast :20r
2 x 100 kick
500 on 8:30 going:
200 fast
100 pace
100 build
100 fast
500 on 8:20 going:
100 fast
100 pace
300 fast, descending each 100
500 steady pace

Good job all. To the person who requested kicking: phooey on you.

1 comment:

  1. I did the Nubble, and lemme tell you, it was one hellava race! Big surf, heavy fog, and water temperatures that couldn't have been more than 50 degrees in some spots. Great day out there- already looking forward to next year!
