Monday, April 6, 2009

What is Spring if it ain't got that Zing!

By way of introduction, our guest blogger today is Coach Bill, our wonderful masters coach. He has been waiting for his turn at blogging so today is his big debut!

Opening day at Fenway, (and Marathon Monday) are two of my favorite days on the calendar. They both serve as an as usher to our long awaited, and well welcomed season of Spring. Sun's up earlier, temps seem warmer, trees starting to bud, and that stinging bee is in the air! Another round begins. A new beginning rolls in.

On deck the usual eyes were peering at the still waters, and then there's that occasional glance to the left, looking for the Coach to make his entry. Carrying that usual cup of miracle juice (light with two sugars), and a bunch of papers. Those deadly papers! And then it happens. The marvel of the morning as those who have hesitated make that gigantic leap, mojo intact, and spring into action.

Now that meet season in just about over, it's time to take that big turn, and get ready for Tri season, and some open water stuff. Two distance days a week to get everyone ready, whether you are in or out!

Bringing on the Zing!
Warming up: 6:15 to 6:23: 400 yards choice
Still Warming up:
4 x 25 (think DPS) on (10r)
100: going Drill/Swim by 25 on(15r)
4 x 25 fast turnover (10r)
100: going Drill/Swim by 25 on (15r)
4 x 25 (think DPS) on (10r)
100: going Drill/Swim by 25 on (15r)
6 x 50's Counting strokes
Odds: Breastroke
Even: Free

Big Set with some extra hot sauce. Beware there's a whammy in the home
a. 2 x 100's on 1:40
b. 1 x 200 (fast) on 2:40 (zing)
c. 1 x 50 ez
d. 2 x 200 on 3:20
e. 1 x 400 (faster) on 5:40 (zing)
f. 1 x 50 ez
g. 2 x 400 on 6:40
h. 1 x 800 (fastest) (zing)
i. 1 x 50 ez

This set brought us in close to 7:30. And some warmed down on their own! Dr.
KB gets points for riding his bike to practice, and extra points for being so

(Photo downloaded from

1 comment:

  1. Fashionable? Wait until I tell my wife, won't she be surprised!
