I got trapped in an elevator at work yesterday, and now all my colleagues know it because it was on the campus police blotter. Yet rather than receiving expressions of sympathy for having to endure being entrapped, most of the responses have been something like this: "What was Katie doing in an elevator? Doesn't she swim an hour in the morning? Shouldn't she be taking the stairs"? So much for empathy. I have provided endless seconds of fodder for my colleagues and frankly I deserve it. But I will have you know that there are legitimate reasons why a person would use an elevator: they are injured, they may be carrying a large load, or the top floor bathroom was unavailable and with only a minute until my meeting I knew that there was a bathroom in the basement and thought I would just zip down and back up. See? Totally legitimate. But lesson learned: take the stairs, and always take your phone to the bathroom.
200 free going 50 drill - 50 swim
200 stroke going 50 drill - 50 swim
3 x 100 going 50 stroke -- 50 free
1 x 600 going:
1st 200: pull hypox: 9, 3, 7, 3
2nd 200: swim focus on technique (pick something)
3rd 200: pull again... faster pace
2 x 200 im with legal turns :30r
1 x 400 free swim make 3rd 100 fast
4 x 100 IM or stroke on 1:50
1 x 400 free swim negative split
9 x 50 choice
1-3 on :55
4-6 on : 45
7-9 on 1:05