Thursday, February 26, 2009

A Family Favorite

Quality. That was the general concensus today from all lanes. The workout tested us and allowed us to work it with a lot of rest. Here it is:

WU 200
3x thru:
4 x 25 kick
3 x 300 pull on 3:10

3 x (4 x 125) on 2:10 descend within the four
Going: 100 get time, 25 easy
3 x (3 x 75) on 1:20 descend within three
Going: 50 get time, 25 easy

We took the first 4 x 125 to figure out our pace, and settled into descending each by 4-5 seconds, the last being 1:25 down to 1:10, which felt really good. The rest certainly helps. My favorite part was before each fast one when Dr. Bob would remind us that "this is where the rubber meets the road". Indeed, it was.

That's all today, folks - gotta run. I won't be around Friday but will post the workout remotely. Have a great weekend, everyone!

1 comment:

  1. 3700 right there. Nice change up! Fun going fast fast fast with room to recover and start the next ready to go. Varoooooom!
