Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Ally ally in come free

If you are a lane 3-er and have been avoiding practice this week because of the threat of an imposed penalty (you know who you are), worry not. C has offered to contribute up to $100 for any late/early leaving peeps in our lane. Thanks C! But may I please remind everyone that this is for the Dana Farber Cancer Center? Ian, to his credit, was intentionally 15 minutes late today because he was spending time "thinking and praying for the children." Now that's what I am talking about, IW. E, BB, M, and I were all in wicked early along with Bill and Ali.

400 swim
200 swim on :25r
2 x 100 drill/swim by 25 on :25r
200 stroke on :25r
2 x 100 breast/free on :15
4 x 50 breast on :60
4 x 50 count strokes on :55
4 x 50 build on :50
4 x 150 on 2:10 going
1=1st 50 fast
2=2nd 50 fast
3=3rd 50 fast
4=all fast
4 x 150 all same stroke on 2:30
4 x 150 pull hypoxic 5,3,7 on 2:20
2 x 150 stroke on 2:30
2 x 150 fast on 2:15
100 easy

4300 yards! Good luck today with the impending storm. Keep an eye out for possible pool closures on the Z Center website.

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