Daylight Savings Time (DST) was initially created during World War I to save energy and resources, according to the internet (which is 100% true all the time). Growing up in Ohio I thought it had something to do with farmers and kids not going to school in the dark, but that is not what the internet says. Apparently traffic accidents and crime both go down with more daylight. But this morning I was not feeling it at all. I had to be "encouraged" to get to the pool, and as I stumbled into my car and toward the pool I sincerely worried that I may fall asleep at the wheel for the first time. DST most negatively impacts morning swimmers, in my opinion, and there were some droopy eyes today. A belated birthday to Carmen and Bob, whose birthdays were yesterday. Somehow BB did not make it to the pool today, and I am wondering if it was the 50 x 200s on Saturday or the margaritas (or both) that did him in.
6 x 75
going: 50 free -- 25 stroke
6 x 50 all drill
6 x 25 choice
1-3 on : 25
4-6 on :20
5 x 200 free on 3:00
16 x 25's on:30
odds: free build (slow to fast)
even: backstroke use starting block
twice thru (ABC, ABC)
2 x 25 free fast on :20
50 cruise on :50
2 x 75 free fast on :60
100 cruise on 1:45
25 cruise on :30
2 x 50 free fast on :35
75 cruise on 1:15
2 x 100 free fast on 1:15
1 x 50 ez on 1:15
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