Monday, September 21, 2009

Now that's a workout!

Field reporter KBB was back "working" again in far away places - this time in Hawaii. An extra special bonus was that he got to see our friend Spence. Spence, KBB, and I swam together on another masters team 10 years ago. Back then, we could each have a lane to ourselves but chose to swim together. Apparently they are continuing the tradition, but without me. Here is the swim workout they did:

: Sep 20
Location: Waimea Bay, Oahu.
Goal: Keep up with Spence.
Workout: Dive in, dolphin past the wave, angle right to the rock outcropping. Pause. Turn left and swim parallel to the beach to the rocks at the other end of the bay. Pause. Cut the angle back to the center of the beach. Total distance about 3/4 of a mile.

Is it just me, or does the lady in blue in the picture look like she's in distress?

Juxtapose that with our workout today:
Date: Sep 20
Location: MIT Pool
Goal: Get out of bed, attempt to swim, go to work

Warmup: a bunch of 50s, 100s kick, 25s stroke total of 1200
Main: 12 150s going 1-4 descend on 2:15, 5 easy, 6 fast twice thru

I'll take Hawaii, thanks.

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