Monday, August 9, 2010

Going bananas

So I am on Storrow Drive this morning and the woman driving the fancy German SUV in front of me rolls down the window and throws a banana peel out onto the road. Now if you know me, you already know that littering in general riles me up. But what really gets me is when people think that throwing things like banana peels, apple cores, etc. is not littering. "It's organic", they say. Okay, so imagine if everyone just decided to throw their biodegradable food waste on the road, in your front lawn, or while strolling down the street. It would be a dump, wouldn't it? So please don't do it, in this state it is considered littering and there is a fine. It take a banana peel 3-4 weeks to decompose. And you wouldn't want to be swimming through that at Walden either (see, I tied this into my swim blog somehow!). And, E was going bananas at the workout this morning. :)

300 on own
9 x 50 going 50 drill, stroke, backstroke, repeat
200 kick
300 swim hard on 5:15
6 x 50 IM order on 1:10
300 pull on 5:00
3 x 100 back/free on 2:10
300 swim hard on 5:15
3 x 50 backstroke descend on 1:05
3 x 50 free descend on :60
300 pull hypoxic 7,3,5 by 100

Happy Monday, everyone!

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