Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Account credit request


I am writing to request a credit to my sleep account for the work you decided to do last night in my neighborhood. While I am sure there was a good reason for it, using a jackhammer between midnight and 2am, followed by some kind of whizzing loud drill from 2am - 4am, accompanied by a large spotlight which made 3am look like noon, kind of interrupted my sleep. While I have not taken a poll of my neighbors, I am guessing we are all walking around like zombies today. I made it to the pool okay, had to get out early for a meeting, and it's been all downhill since then. I figure that sleep is worth about $50 an hour, and since I was finally able to fall asleep right before my alarm went off, it will only be $250. I love when that happens. In any case, I'll just deduct this from my next bill, thanks. I suppose I should just be thankful and appreciate that some huge disaster was averted, but I am tired and cranky so that will have to wait.

Katie "even earplugs did not help" O'Dair

300 warmup on own
4 x 25 snap hip (practicing for swimming with the stars, Bill?)
4 x 50 back/breast
4 x 75 swim on 1:15
2 x 100 kick
4 x 25 free
4 x 150 pull hypoxic on 2:20
8 x 125 broken IM on 2:15
50 fly, 25 bk/br/free
25fly, 50bk, 25 br/free
choice, repeat
10 x 100 descending 3,6,9 on 1:40

I missed the 100s, unfortunatly, but I trust that my lanemates descended them!

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