Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Strongly Worded Letter

There is both an art and a science to an effective strongly worded letter (SWL), whether it be to your congressperson, a retailer, or the plumber that cracked a big pipe in your house. One has to convey a sense of neutrality about a situation and be able to connect emotionally, all the while being firm and clear about what you expect as a resolution. Those who take the tactic of whining or being angry rarely succeed in the strongly worded letter. Sarcasm also does not work. Why do I care? I have to write a SWL to someone (yet to be identified) about the sudden notification we received this morning about long course ending in two weeks. Yes - you heard me - no more 50 meter pool this summer. Now to some people this is no big deal, but to those of us who are distance swimmers who planned our races and training around the 50 meter pool, it is a big deal and I am mad. So mad that I am unsure if I can write this strongly worded letter in my current state of mind, because I think it's baloney. I need to count to 10 and then hit pen to paper. Stay tuned.

Nice distance day today!

200 Going:  50 stroke – 50 free
200 Going:  25 drill – 25 free
100 Going:  50 stroke – 50 free
100 Going:  25 drill – 25 free

6 x 50 kicking

300 Free Pull Hypoxic by 50:  3, 9, 5, 7 for 200 5:00
3 x 100 free descend on 1:30
1 x 600 free long swim on 10:00
1 x 100 ez on 2:30

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