Friday, April 3, 2009

The wrong song

I am not sure if this ever happens to you, but sometimes you get a song in your head and just can't get it out. That was this morning, when Suzanne Vega's Tom's Diner came on the radio just as I got out of the car. It was disturbing because two years ago, my friend Nate started singing that song (da da dada da da dada da da dada dada dada...) before I jumped in for my 500, and I never forgave him. I thought about it the whole time. Thankfully, I am now stuck on Air Supply's "All out of love".

Okay, Bill really wants me to entitle my blog Attitude Adjustment. So I am going to give the reigns over to him and he can be a guest blogger. I have no idea why he thinks we need an attitude adjustment! Perhaps it was 75% of the lane defying the kick set he threw in right during the workout. I just don't know!

WU 300
8 x 50 reverse IM
4 x 75
2 x 100
9 x 125:
1-3 descend on 2:00
4-6 steady on 2:10
7-9 descend on 1:55
8 x 50 kick (are you serious?)
5 x 150 swim on 2:20

Great job by everyone descending, and a fun and varied workout, especially if you skip the kick in the middle. :)

Happy weekend, everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Well, for some, doing a kick set will help to strengthen a swimmers leg muscles. This week contained all hard practices and why not ? So many just came off a good week of tapering for the meet... oh wait a second... (hand-count of all those who swam the meet?),... ok, but it's time to get moving.

    The nota-bells in lane 3 probably don't realize how accomodating the coach is -- probably why the coach needs to get his thumb on your lane!

    Ok.. 'nuff said! Great job in practice... getting it done, and I am guessing that you all have earned your beer !
