Tuesday, February 19, 2013

No contact? No way!

The conventional wisdom is that swimming is a non-contact sport. On the surface, this is true. We don't use helmets, face guards or knee pads and don't go after each other (physically, that is!). But I beg to differ that it is "no contact". I have seen some pretty ugly run-ins. The worst kind is the head-to-head impact when you think you are splitting the lane and your lanemate thinks you are circle swimming. A helmet would be nice there as your heads collide. Or the knife-like precision of a swim paddle whopping you mid-stroke from the other side of the lane. Ouch. Then there is the lane line, which looks bright and cheerful but is hard and stinging when it gets in your way. Today I had a minor wrist injury when Hubbard was swimming fly and I was coming off of the wall. It was little consolation that H "couldn't feel his finger" after the episode. But my wrist in a full arm cast now so I should be ready for practice tomorrow. I hope that H did not have to amputate his finger. It was not looking good.

200 warmup
3 times thru:
125 going 50 stroke, 75 free
125 going 75 free, 50 stroke
12 x 100 going:
1-3 first 25 fly on 1:40
4-6 second 25 fly on 1:30
7-9 3rd 25 fly on 1:35
10-12 last 25 fly on 1:25
6 x 200
1-3 descend on 2:40
4-6 descend on 3:10
8 x 50 going
1-4 fast on :50
5-8 ascend on :50

1 comment:

  1. That's why I prefer the ocean. No crowded lanes. (Except for big race starts...) I'm notorious for hand collisions in swimming crowds... What felt like a gentle tap on my end, usually ends up being catastrophic on the other. Nine foot wingspan on a seven foot body in a lane. Nooo good. Great workout, though!
