Thursday, February 28, 2013

Somewhat Awkward

So I am going to write about something that we rarely talk about but that happens to all of us: The totally unintentional, but slightly inappropriate, touching of another swimmer during the workout. I am not talking about the more benign foot touching. No, I am talking about the inadvertent butt touch under the lane line when you are doing backstroke or, possibly worse, the accidental chest touch. Every swimmer out there knows exactly what I am talking about! And yes, it is awkward, but the best response it to acknowledge what happened "hey, sorry I touched your butt there".  I've heard some humorous responses too, such as "that's the most action I have seen in months!" At the end of the day, 99.99% of these are innocuous. You'll know you are in the extremely rare .01% when it either happens multiple times and/or instead of an apology you get the sly smile and a wink. In that case, consult one of the many lawyers who swim with you.

500 warmup
200 drill/swim :30r
2 x 100 free :20r
9 x 50
1-3 stroke on :60
4-6 free on :50
7-9 choce on :55
4 x 200 going
odds pull hypoxic 7,3,5,3 :30r
evens IM or stroke :30r
Eight times thru:
100 stroke on 1:35
25 easy on :45
then there was some kind of relay thing off the blocks


  1. hmm. I thought I did an inadvertent under the laneline backstroke low five with someone in your lane yesterday. Sorry if I touched your butt there.
