Thursday, February 21, 2013

Swimming with the Manatees

Coach Bill announced today that he will be on vacation next week, swimming with the manatees. At first I was a little confused. Bill was swimming? With manatees? I don't know about you, but I want a front row seat to that show! Especially because, as I learned from Wikipedia, manatees swim on average about 5 to 8k per hour (3 to 5 mph). However, they have been known to swim at up to 30k per hour (20 mph) in short bursts. We know from our own swimming lore that our coach can do this. But for those of us imagining coach Bill in the wilds of the ocean with these beautiful creatures, it gets better, and frankly more realistic: Half a manatee's day is spent sleeping in the water, and they spend most of the rest of the time grazing in shallow waters. Now THAT sounds like a swim vacation. Have fun, coach Bill, we will miss you!

500 warm up

Twice through:
200 going:
50 (25 sidekick - 25 other side kick)
50 (25 one arm drill - 25 other one arm drill)
50 (25 fingertip drag drill -- 25 butt touch drill)
         50 (25 free build - 25 stroke build)
200 going:
50 (stroke)
50  (free: build up the lane)
50 (kick no board)
50 ( free: build down the lane)

Main set:
50 free fast :40
100 free cruise: 1:40
150 free fast 2:00
200 free cruise 3:20
6 x 25 fly*  on :35

50 free cruise :55
100 free fast 1:10
150 free  cruise 2:30
200 free  fast 2:45
6 x 25 back* on :35

C.  Same as 'A' but delete fly and insert 'Breast'
D.  Same as 'B' but delete back and insert 'Choice'

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