I had this terrible hazy morning today where I woke up and thought that it was fall. It was dark, cold, and rainy. Part of me was trying to figure out what was going on (and what to wear - very important) when I double checked the calendar and it said May 27. Phew. I did not sleep through the summer, but many of us are a little bewildered by the stark differences of the weather this weekend and today. But you have to have the bad days to appreciate the good ones, isn't that right?
It is Wednesday, which means it was distance day. Here is what we did:
4 x 50 free
2 x 100 stroke/choice
4 x 50 drill/swim
2 x 100 gallop/choice
800 free pace keep 200 times on :60 r
100 stroke easy
800 broken at 200s for :10 seconds
100 stroke easy
600 pace on :30 r
100 stroke easy
6 x 100 free on 1:35
There is not much to say on this - just a lot of swimming! Great job by everyone today.
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