Monday, May 4, 2009

Doing our part

Lane 3 cares about what is going on in the world. Case in point, we are doing our best to stop the spread of the the H1N1 virus, formerlly known as the swine flu. Today we had a vat of hand sanitizer deckside, at the ready, for germ removal. Tomorrow E will bring in surgical masks, and of course we all had a small tutorial on sneezing into the gutter instead of the pool. We want Lane 3 to be in the news for all of the good things we do, not for a new cluster of this virus. We also came up with other ideas, like a sanitizer holster to put on your belt for easy access and perhaps a car-wash like spray that gets us all as we leave the locker room. Of course, this will help us avoid many things, including our loved ones who will think we are total freak shows, so keep that in mind as you implement these ideas.

On to the workout! A good one! BB, E, CM, IW and me present and accounted for.

200 WU on own
3 x thru:
50 kick, 50 drill, 50 swim, 50 choice, 4 x 25 (fly, back, breast)
2 x 50 on :60
3 x 50 fly on 1:05
4 x 50 on :45
5 x 50 on :40
3 x 200 on 3:05 working 2nd 50
3 x 200 on 3:00 working 3rd 50
3 x 200 on 2:55 working last 50

Great set - good amount of rest so you can really try to work the 50 in each set. We held a good pace for each, trying to descend by sets of 3. BB and I traded the lead on the first and second set, and I accidentally went on the wrong interval. So, I humbly apologize to C who pointed this out. In the image of Scarlett O'Hara, as she clutches the dry earth of her beloved Tara and lifts it to the sky, I say "As God is my witness, I will never miss an interval again!". Oh, and we even had a lane song this morning - "Last night, I didn't get to sleep at all..". I think there were varying reasons for this, and I will leave it at that to protect the innocent.
Hand sanitizer courtesy of BB's desk. The bottle went from poolside to hanging out with hula girls.


  1. Very well written KT! For the next LNO I think we should go dancing as E had some pretty good moves in the pool!

  2. I may have some input regarding lack of sleep for one of the swimmers in your group but I shall show incredible restraint at this time.

    That's me, Captain Classy.
