Thursday, June 4, 2009

Guest Blogger BB: Not chicked..Chicked!

Our guest blogger today is BB, who is apparently representing the male voice in the lane.

Great day at MIT Masters today. The morning started with three "aging bulls" SB, C, and BB lingering on the deck and diving in the water just as Coach Bill walked in so we could get a 100 warm up in. When we realized that it was just "the guys" and we weren't going to get chicked today the language became a bit more coarse and off color. It was looking like a day where our bruised egos would have a chance to heal from the utter domination of "the women of lane 3"....but to no avail. R came sauntering in around 6:35 and put us back in our place. Here is the work out:

100 warm up
8x50 drill/swim

3x thru
2x200 3:20
1x200 3:20 fast
100 ez 2:00

2x100 stroke/free 20rest

Yes, by the third set of 200's R was leading the lane. Ladies, please remember beneath the machissmo the "aging bulls" exude on deck we have very fragile egos and need constant reassurance of what studs we are (were). I love the dynamics of Lane 3.

Editors note: We prefer the term "Divas."

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