Thursday, June 25, 2009

OBX Journal 2009

Greetings from the Outer Banks! I thought I would include a page from my journal this week on the blog. It's pretty much the same, ho-hum, relaxing itinerary each day. If you read this expecting a swim workout, you will be slightly disappointed.

6:30am - wake up. Drink coffee. Sit on upper deck of house overlooking ocean. Check weather. Another 80 degree sunny day. Wonder out loud why I live in a place that isn't like this all the time.
7:00am - still sitting on deck. Play with multi colored play-dough with nieces
8:00am - go for run. Discover national estuarine reserve trail through wetlands. Appreciate this for the rest of my run.
9:30am - sit at pool. more coffee. teach nieces to kick holding onto wall (note swim reference).
11-ish - go to Corolla Lighthouse. Climb up.
1pm - receive calls and texts from home alerting me of bad weather in Boston. Feel sympathy for friends. Feel happy for me.
Afternoon - go to beach. read, build sandcastles, walk, body surf, play "baggo!", throw football, remember that shoulder still hurts, stop throwing football, start thinking about dinner. teach nieces (2.5 and 3 yo) the congratulatory "fist bump."
5pm - return to house. Brother-in-law prepares margaritas. Shower. Sit outside. Remember it's my turn to make dinner. 7:30pm -Prepare and make dinner. Corral 13 adults, 2 children, and 2 babies into dining area. Eat.
Post dinner - walk on beach. Listen to brother play guitar. Play Euchre. Sit around doing nothing. No TV. Wonderful.

As you might guess, I am exhausted from all of this activity. And while I miss all of you terribly, I can't say I would rather be there than here. And in case you are wondering, I am wearing my 30spf.


  1. OBX = the three letter code for Obo, Papua New Guinea

  2. Please come back KT. We need you to give feedback to Coach Bill about the breast stroke main set today.

  3. are you qualified to teach anyone how to kick?

  4. You will pay when you return
