It seems that every workplace is getting into the business of helping their employees lose weight, get fit, and start moving around. It is a wonderful idea that I fully support. Yet it seems that MIT is taking a slightly different approach, at least in the Z Center, in the form of a sweat lodge. A sweat lodge is often used as a purification process or meditative technique in a variety of cultures. At MIT, it is more broadly embraced as a weight loss mechanism. You see, the locker room temperature is in the 90s, the pool deck is the same, and the water temperature in the pool has been in the low 80s. They say you can't sweat in a pool, but I beg to differ. I definitely saw some of my lanemates after practice today looking much slimmer, more gaunt, and dehydrated. In other words, the sweat lodge was successful! Now those of you who know me know that I rarely if ever complain about something being too warm. That should tip you off that this is for real.
300 warmup
6 x 75 50 free/25 stroke on :20r
6 x 50 middle of the pool :60
3 time thru:
100 fly 1:45*
50 drill 1:05
50 br. 1:05
25 fast 20
25 swim 30
3 x 100 on 1:20 descend
300 swim on 4:30
3 x 100 on 1:20 descend
400 swim on 6:00
3 x 100 on 1:20 descend
500 swim on 7:15
*IM order
Egad. Probably good I couldn't make it this morning. Hope it's cooler come Wednesday, or I will be belly-aching!