Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Guest Blogger BB: Back in Black

Bob B. is our guest blogger today. Thanks, BB!

It was a bit of a quiet day at the Z Center. Nobody in L3 (KT, C2,M, BB) was IBB. In fact, we stood on the deck with Bill and chatted about the Jazz Volcano and yesterdays shameful "on air" dedication to KT. I feel no shame in saying that I may like jazz music but I certainly can't swim to it. I just kept thinking that "Rock and Roll Ain't Noise Pollution". Yes, tonight is the AC/DC concert at Gillette Stadium so I had a full medley of AC/DC songs getting me through the practice. Enough already...on to the workout.

Warm Up
4(3x50) drill,stroke,fr 20sec rest
3x100 no free 20 sec rest
200 pull hypoxic
150 pull hypoxic
100 pull hypoxic
Main Set--KT was "Thunderstruck" when she realized it was short distances
2x thru
100 1:35 fast
50 1:10 ez
100 1:35 fast
50 1:10 ez
50 45sec fast
50 1:10 ez
50 45sec fast
50 1:10 ez
9x50 free (ascending sets of 3 on the 50, 55, 60)

Bill "Shook Us All Morning Long" but that's ok as tomorrow is Distance Day
and we all know that our favorite rocker KT will be "Back in Black". By the way E was a treadmill stalker today and she certainly wasn't "Giving
The Dog a Bone". Run, E, run!

1 comment:

  1. Back in black I hit the (treadmill deck)/ sack I've been too long I'm glad to be back [I bet you know I'm...] Yes, I'm let loose From the noose That's kept me hanging about I've been looking at the sky 'Cause it's gettin' me high Forget the hearse 'cause I never die I got nine lives
